Carrying high or low - they say if it's high then you're having a girl and if you're carrying low, it's a boy.
Craving sweet or savoury - it was said that if you're craving sweets, it's a girl.
Weight gain - of the husband! The myth goes that if you're husband or partner puts on weight during pregnancy - it's a girl.
The Mothers Face - if it's round, full and rosy, you're having a girl.
The specific day, month, year, and the relative gravitational pull of the moon at the time of conception can be very important.
We have all heard the many and varied myths of gender prediction, which have expecting mothers starring at the shape and size of their bellies or swinging rings over the belly awaiting a pattern. All of these myths can be expelled within 10mins by Intelligender.
IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test bridges the curiosity gap between conception to ultrasound scan.
What is Intelligender? This is the only affordable, simple-to-use urine test that provides immediate gender results in the privacy and comfort of the home. Within ten minutes, the IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test indicates whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. Lab results show 90% accuracy.

Craving sweet or savoury - it was said that if you're craving sweets, it's a girl.
Weight gain - of the husband! The myth goes that if you're husband or partner puts on weight during pregnancy - it's a girl.
The Mothers Face - if it's round, full and rosy, you're having a girl.
The specific day, month, year, and the relative gravitational pull of the moon at the time of conception can be very important.
We have all heard the many and varied myths of gender prediction, which have expecting mothers starring at the shape and size of their bellies or swinging rings over the belly awaiting a pattern. All of these myths can be expelled within 10mins by Intelligender.
IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test bridges the curiosity gap between conception to ultrasound scan.
What is Intelligender? This is the only affordable, simple-to-use urine test that provides immediate gender results in the privacy and comfort of the home. Within ten minutes, the IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test indicates whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. Lab results show 90% accuracy.

IntelliGender has invested heavily the past several years in developing, refining and testing the specific patent pending formula that successfully reacts to the chemicals in the urine produced by the mother and baby combination. This exciting, revolutionary new formula produces a "dark, smoky green" reaction to the urine of a mother carring a male baby and an "orange tinted" reaction to the urine of a mother pregnant with a girl. A color chart on our G.P.T. label matches to the various shades produced for an easy-to-read determination of the unborn baby's gender.
The test can be taken as early as eight weeks all the way to the end of your 34th week. The test is easy to take and provides quick results in just 10 minutes, so the news can be shared right away.
We are thrilled to be able to offer parents-to-be a fun, affordable pre-birth experience to share the joy of discovery with their family and friends!
Only $95 and not invasive, buy it now at http://www.metromum.com.au/
The test can be taken as early as eight weeks all the way to the end of your 34th week. The test is easy to take and provides quick results in just 10 minutes, so the news can be shared right away.
We are thrilled to be able to offer parents-to-be a fun, affordable pre-birth experience to share the joy of discovery with their family and friends!
Only $95 and not invasive, buy it now at http://www.metromum.com.au/